My Special Friend | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dedicated to Ahsun | With all my love | |||||||||||||||||||
YOU'RE: My Friend My companion through good times and bad my friend through happy and sad beside me you stand beside me you walk you're there to listen you're there to talk with happiness with smiles with pain and tears I know you'll be there throughout the years!!! FRIENDSHIP My life is judged by those I know Who helped me love and fully grow And raised my spirits when lost at sea But loved me most for being me My friends are those who always cared And know my faults and always shared The good the bad and all the grey And held my hand and showed the way But I love them most for the times we've spent The laughter, tears and for what they meant To me - my life and the things we've shared But I love them most because they cared! MEMORIES: As we go our separate ways Each following a dream Remember all the good times of passing years On the shoulder of a friend We cried a thousand tears As sympathy and sorrow made us one And in our laughter we have found A thousand sparkling memories Shining silver in the sun Our friendship is forever We are people of one heart And in all our future trials We will know In the shadows or our souls We shall always be together Though our journeys seem to take us far apart For friends are friends forever And memories remain Though names and places often fade away As we traverse down our own path Led by the wayward wind of destiny Look back upon these years With grateful heart For no matter what will happen We will always have our memories And so remain forever Dreaming life Living life Loving life THERE IS DISTANCE BETWEEN US There's distance between us these days My friend Distance and a little ache For the days when we were right there To share laughter and tears to listen and be listened to Now the space between us Makes that real hard, and yet, Tired and true Friendships are rare and not often found And yours is one I want With all my heart to keep Though there is physical distance Between us There is a special place inside me Where thoughts of you Are kept warm and safe And there are times when I still smile Thinking of what we shared Remember my friend, If you want or need me I'm a phone call, a letter or thought away If I can help, let me know, For a true friend now and for always. |
A FRIEND: A friend is like a flower a rose to be exact or maybe like a brand new gate that never comes unlatched a friend is like an owl both beautiful and wise or perhaps a friend is like a ghost whose spirit never dies a friend is like those blades of grass you can never mow standing straight, tall and proud in a perfect little row a friend is like a heart that goes on strong until the end where would we be in this world if we didn't have a friend. IF I COULD... If I could, I would I swear Take away all your pain I'd wrap you in a shawl of care 'Til you feel safe again And if i could, I would please know Restore your life anew Be the half that makes you whole Bring happiness to you If I could, I would, my dear Grant all your hearts desires A life of love, devoid of fear All that your soul requires And if I could, I would, believe Make all your dreams come true I'd be the girl who'd never leave I'd give my heart to you. SPECIAL FRIENDS: You're a special friend Who I know is always there Someone to share my life with Every hope, dream, and care Whenever I feel sad, or alone You're always there to make me smile It's friends like you who I know Won't leave me after a while Special friends like you Mean the world to me When I think of something special It's your face I see All the time I've spent with you Puts a smile upon my face I hope one day I'll be with you Somehow, sometime, someplace You mean alot to me and I would Do anything in the world for you So no matter what's going on in your life Just know you have someone to turn to You're a special person I care alot about you I wish I could say how special you are Only if you knew... TRUE FRIENDS: Friends are not always forever But a true friend will always be around When everyone else abandons you He will be around through all your Good times and your bad times He will be there through Every success and every failure Through every boyfriend Through every fight Through every day Throughout your life. | |||||||||||||||||||
A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift A friend is somone we treasure for our friendship is a gift A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace And makes the world we live in a better and happier place! BEST FRIENDS: In time, how we've grown together Shared our pain and shared our pleasure Never have I known a friend like you And through the laughter and the sorrow Heart with heart, we've faced tomorrow Come what may, our love was always true And in my light you were behind me In my darkness, stood beside me You kept my faith when I felt near the end You held me when my heart was lonely Kept my smile from fading from me And through it all, you always were my friend Now, I can't promise you forever Or that we will be together The road of life doesn't run that true But, as our thoughts tonight are mingled So my love will always linger i promise it will always be with you And in your light, I'll be behind you In your darkness, be beside you I'll keep your faith when you feel near the end I'll hold you when your heart is troubled Keep your faith from fading from you And through it all, forever be your friend ALWAYS: Did I tell you today that you are special? Did I tell you today that you make me smile? How could I have forgotten? I meant to all the while... You're the one I share my dreams with... The one who's always there... And when my heart is broken you Always seem to care You give me words of comfort Of wisdon and good cheer... You help me ease my sorrows And chase away my fears You're the one who lifts me up When I fall flat on the ground... And when others are all gone away... You're the one that's always around Did I tell you today that You are SPECIAL? Did I tell you that you make me smile? If I haven't told you lately... I meant to all the while... SIMPLE FRIENDS AND REAL FRIENDS A simple friend can stand by you when you are right But a real friend will stand by you even when you are wrong A simple friend identifies himself when he calls A real friend doesn't have to A simple friend has never seen you cry A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed A real friend asks you what took you so long to call A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems A real friend seeks to help you with your problems A simple friend wonders about your romantic history A real friend could blackmail you with it A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest A real friend helps himself to the refrigerator A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight A simple friend expects you to always be there for them A real friend expects to always be there for you. AHSUN: You've always been there for me, you've been a very special friend to me. I felt like I had to get to know you again this past summer because we sort of lost touch during the school year. I hope we can keep in closer touch while I'm away this year. You are very special to me and we've had some great times together. You definitely have to come up to school to visit and to party. No matter where I am, you're always in my heart!! Just a few short quotes: - To dream of the person you want to be, is to destroy the person you are. - Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything - The only thing that you can wear that will never go out of style is a smile - A dream is wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep - You never notice how much something means to you until you lose it - We do not remember days we remember moments - It's past time to go when you start asking yourself if it's time to go - The best thing about not saying anything is that it won't be repeated - It is easy to sit up and take notice, but it's difficult to get up an take action - The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. - The second you think something is impossible, you come to the realization that it can be done - Don't be so busy making a living that you forgot to make a life - Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today - Never forget what is worth remembering, but never remember what is better forgotten These poems were taken from various websites, and I did not site the author's name. EMAIL ME AT: [email protected] | ||||||||||||||||||||
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